4th annual international Song Competition
Contest FAQs
FAQs for Submissions
What do I win?
- The top 3 winners will be announced at the Voices for Water Awards on December 2, 2023. Each will receive these cash prizes:
o First prize: $1,500
o Second Prize: $750
o Third Prize: $500
- The grand prize-winning song from the top 3 shall be the official musical theme for JB Dondolo for one year on all/any JB Dondolo platforms.
- Usage of the song “Music for Water” by JB Dondolo
- Featured at the Voices for Water Awards Gala in December
- Featured on our various platforms including but not limited to JB Dondolo Worthy News, NSAEN magazine, and other media outlets.
When is the Music Contest?
Submissions are open from June 1, 2021 (9:00:00 PM EST) through August 31, 2021 (11:59:59 PM EST).
Who is eligible to apply?
Anyone who is at least 18 years of age is eligible to apply.
Do I have to be a member of ASCAP, BMI, GEMA, or PRS?
No. We’re not distributing your song. There is no need for you to become a member of a collection society.
Do I retain the rights to my song?
Yes, you retain the rights to your song. We will be using the top 3 songs for promotion, marketing, and advertising purposes only for the term of one year, with the option of using JB Dondolo for future campaigns. We’re not distributing your song.
What are my song requirements?
The submitted song must be unpublished, unreleased, and the sender must possess all legal rights (that includes each team member that worked on the song) to the song in its entirety, and the individual needs to have permission from their company for the release. The song should be of sufficient studio quality and also be available as a complete file in a professional recording session format such as Cubase, Logic, or Pro Tools. Page 3 of 8 High-Resolution Photos for Cover from Artist/Group are required.
- Does my song have to be an original?
Yes - Does the song need to be registered?
No - Does the song have to have vocals?
No - What is the minimum length?
2 minutes 30 seconds - What is the maximum length?
4 minutes - Can the song be written by a team?
Yes - Does the song have to be a video or audio?
It has to be mp3 audio only
Who do I contact for further information?
You can contact the Music for Water Team by sending an email to
How is the contest judged?
The contest is reviewed by 5 expert judges who are in the music industry or are closely affiliated with the music industry. The duration of the review is 2 weeks (September 15-30). The judges will determine who will place in the winning 5 out of the top 20 submissions. The winning 5 submissions will be announced on October 1 and will be displayed on the JB Dondolo website. The top 3 winners will be announced at the Voices for Water Awards on December 2, 2023 and given cash prizes each as follows:
● First prize: $1,500
● Second Prize: $750
● Third Prize: $500
We will make contest updates and announcements on all social media outlets. Please be sure to like and follow us on social media!
What are the criteria that will be used to evaluate the submissions?
Four (4) criteria will be used to evaluate your submission:
Lyrics & Composition
- Does the composition show thoughtful attempts at rhythm, harmony and melody?
- Does the lyrics, composition have potential for commercial radio play?
- Are the lyrics emotionally engaging?
- Is the song memorable, does it have a “hook”
- Do you see potential for this song to be commercially viable?
- Is there thoughtful or creative use of instrumentation?
- Is the song well timed, organized, showing polish?
- Does the song answer the theme in a personal, unique way?
- Does the songwriter surprise you with creative use of language, vocal arrangements or instrumentation?
- Does the song utilize interesting musical and rhythmical devices?
Speaks to the Theme
- Does the song follow the narrative?
- How well do the lyrics reflect the theme?
When will winners be announced?
The top 3 submissions will be announced on October 1, 2023. They will be displayed on the JB Dondolo “Music for Water” website. Furthermore, we shall make the announcement on our social media platforms.
How can I check on the contest progress?
You can check contest progress by visiting our website at “Music for Water”
Also, we will make frequent announcements on social media. Please be sure to like and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Can I submit my song if it is on another website/YouTube channel?
Unpublished submissions are required. You may keep your song up on the YouTube channel but it must be set to private. The song must be publisher-free or may not yet be published (i.e. must be unlisted). In addition, the sender must have all rights to the song in its entirety.
Will you publish my song even if I don’t win? Would I get royalties?
No. We will not be publishing any songs. We will, however, showcase the top 3 selected songs on the internet, social media, and other media outlets for publicity.
Can I submit via email/outside of Music for Water?
Unfortunately, we do not accept any submissions that are not submitted through the JB Dondolo “Music for Water” website.
I’m late! Will you still accept my entry?
Unfortunately, we do not accept any late submissions. Since the contest is annual, we encourage you to try submitting the following year. Please subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to keep up with the latest announcements and updates.
I am having technical difficulties uploading my mp3 file. Who can I contact?
You can contact our tech support at
FAQs for Voters
Who is eligible to vote?
Anyone who is at least 18 years of age is eligible to vote.
When can I vote?
You can vote during the open period of September 1 (9:00:00 PM EST), 2023 through September 14, 2023 (11:59:59 PM EST).
Where do I vote?
To vote, please go to the website Please note that this is the only acceptable way to vote.
Do I have to login to vote?
No. You don’t have to login in to vote.
How many times a day can I vote?
Once. We allow one vote per person a day.
When does the voting refresh?
Voting frequency is per Calendar Day (based on a 24-hour gap). That means you vote once a day.
How does voting help the contestant?
Your vote carries weight. The top 20 would be decided by 50% votes and 50% by our music industry experts.
How can I check on the contest progress?
You can check contest progress by visiting our website at .
Also, we will make frequent announcements on social media. Please be sure to like and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
I am having technical difficulties. Who do I contact?
You can contact our tech support at
Africa Address
- 14907 Inqina Road, Selborne Park, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa
USA Address
- 1527 W. State Hwy 114 Ste 500-208 Grapevine, TX 76051
Phone Number
- (817) 705-6212
Email Address

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